To create a new image library:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.
    Or, select New on the File menu.
    The New box appears.

  2. In the New box, select Image Library.

  3. Click OK.
    The Image Library box is displayed.

    The Image Library box is divided into two views:

    1. The Thumbnail View .
      The images are stored in this area.
    2. The Report View.
      The image file information is described in this area.
      1. Description
        Displays the description that you added in the Image Library Item Properties box.
      2. Width
        The pixel width of the image.
      3. Length
        The pixel length of the image.
      4. Type
        Displays whether the image file is either a *.gif or *.jpg.
      5. File Name
        Contains the image file name and directory location of the file.
      6. Size
        Displays the the image file size in kilobytes.

  4. To add images to the Image Library, select New Item from the Library menu.
    The Image Library Item Properties box is displayed.

  5. Enter the following items in the Image Library Item Properties box:
    1. Filename
      Type the image filename or use the Browse button to search your hard drive or network for the *.gif or *.jpg file that you want to add to the library.
    2. Description
      Type in a description that describes the image file.

  6. Click on OK.
    The image will be added to the Thumbnail view and described below in the Report view of the Browse Library.

  7. To add more images to the library, select Library from the menu bar and repeat Steps 4 to 7.

  8. To save the image library, click the Save button on the Standard toolbar.
    Or, click on Save on the File menu.
    The Save As box is displayed.

  9. Accept the name or assign a new name and location for the file.
    Web Factory assigns a default library name and location.

  10. Click on Save to return to the preview window.

The default page name begins with BrowseLibrary1.BRS. Each page is numbered sequentially (BrowseLibrary2.BRS, BrowseLibrary3.BRS, etc.) as you save more libraries. The default extension is *.brs. The default location is the Web Factory "Program" directory.
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